A Podcast of Everyday Magic

Betwixt and Between are two witches and real life friends who curl up on the sofa amidst animals, tea and craft projects to chat about witchcraft. Sometimes we bring on knowledgeable guests and sometimes we use our own expertise from our academic backgrounds in theology and psychology to add to texture to our shows. But we always approach our subjects from a practical, personal, dirt-under-fingernails perspective.

"The roots that tangle, cracks seen and unseen... The everyday magic of Betwixt & Between."

Betwixt and her human and animal family reside in a log cabin in a glorious wood amongst a creek, a pond, a mountain ridge, and all the wildness that comes with it. In addition to homeschooling her WItchlettes, she is a writer, and offers Tarot readings through virtual meetings.

Between is a massage therapist, fiber artist, writer, mother of one amazing little daughter, and wife of one particularly Hobbit-like man, living the rolling green hills of the American South, Her human family shares their mid-twentieth-century brick Tudor cottage with dogs, cats, a snake, and a barely controlled stash of yarn and fabric. Always with each foot, and possibly one or both hands, in a different world, and never without a project (especially knitting), Between’s craft is informed by her Brittish Isles heritage, her Catholic, Anglican, Jewish, and Buddhist/Hindu family heritage, her love of dance, books and music, the really disorganized, overgrown, and otherwise left to its own devices garden surrounding her home, and the land beneath her feet, wherever they touch down.